If you’re looking for a print copy of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, we recommend two options:

Federal Rules of Civil Procedure; 2023 Edition
This booklet is 180 pages and is a smaller 5.5 inches by 8.5 inches, so it’s easy to carry around. It also includes a statutory supplement (28 USC Chapter 85, 87, and 91).
The price is just $19.50. You can read more and purchase the book on Amazon.com.

Federal Rules of Civil Procedure; 2023 Edition (Casebook Supplement)
This edition of the rules includes all of the official Advisory Committee comments, all the way from 1937 up to the present day. It also includes the official civil procedure forms, which are handy for familiarizing yourself with how court filings look.
This edition is 430 pages and costs $34.95 on Amazon.com.